Laparoscopy multispeciality hospital in Koramangala Bangalore, is a hospital that offers surgeries through key holes,
rather than big cuts/incisions over the tummy. Benefits of laparoscopy that is key hole surgery is, quick recovery,
short hospital stay, early return to work, cosmetic, less pain.
The laparoscopic surgeries range from simple surgeries like appendectomy, hernia, cholecystectomy, hysterectomy, ovarian cystectomy to advanced surgeries like colectomies, bariatric and metabolic surgeries, splenectomies, adrenalectomies, pyeloplasty, nephrectomy, fundoplication.
Hernias are of many types could be inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, and incisional hernia. All types of hernia can be treated laparoscopically including complex hernias. A good dissection, proper mesh size and quality with good fixation of the mesh give best results. 24 hours hospitalization is enough for most of these surgeries. In the obese it is important that weight loss is also taken care of during or after hernia repair to avoid recurrence.
Gall bladder stones are very common, seen in all ages, mostly in the middle aged and post pregnancy. These stones can cause cholecystitis, empyema & many complications like gall bladder pancreatitis. Even the difficult gall bladder cases are performed through keyholes at our hospital due to experience of the years.
Acid reflux/GERD & hiatal hernia with lax LES, if not responding to medications over a long duration, very good results are got that is relief of GERD, acid reflux after a simple keyhole surgery – Laparoscopic Nissen’s Fundoplication.
The major advantage of this keyhole laparoscopic surgery is that more than one surgery can be performed through the same key holes. For example- a laparoscopic gall bladder removal & hernia repair can be done through same keyholes.
TODS Laparoscopy Multispeciality Hospital covers the whole gamut of weight loss procedures which includes:
Swallow balloon capsule which is a 20 min day care procedure
Endoscopic weight loss procedures which include the Endoscopic intragastric balloon (Spatz and Orbera) and the Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty where in a sleeve is created endoscopically using the apollo overstitch, using special sutures. The whole procedure is endoscopic requiring a 24 hour hospital stay.
Laparoscopic weight loss procedures / bariatric surgery
1.Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
2.Lap mini gastric bypass(MGB)
3.Lap Roux-en-Y gastric bypass(RYGB)
4.Lap One anastomosis Gastric bypass (OAGB)
5.Laparoscopic Ileal interposition
6.Lap Banded Bariatric Procedures
The results of these procedures are excellent and long term. They are backed up with a focused follow-up over years.
Dr Tulip is the Chief Bariatric Surgeon and Director of TODS. Dr Tulip’s Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Hospital Bangalore is the
first standalone Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Hospital in South India. In Bangalore she started
her work as a laparoscopic surgeon with renowned surgeon Dr M Ramesh at A.V Hospital. Later she worked as a Laparoscopic and Bariatric/ Obesity
Surgeon in BGS Global Hospitals which is now known as Glen Eagles Global Hospital.
Following this, she started and developed the department of Minimally Access Surgery and Obesity Surgery at Vikram Hospitals
Bengaluru along with her teacher turned colleague Dr M Ramesh. Over the years, Dr Tulip has excelled
as a top bariatric surgeon in Bangalore.
Dr Tulip’s Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Hospital Bangalore is a reputed and top-class Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Hospital in Bangalore. Dr. Tulip is the chief bariatric surgeon and the director, who brings in-depth knowledge
of laparoscopic, bariatric, and metabolic surgery. Her experience in the field offers systematic and to-the-point treatment. Dr Tulip is one of the best doctors for Sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Bangalore.
You get the best experts at Dr Tulip’s Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Hospital for metabolic and bariatric surgeries. Dr Tulip also has been performing Metabolic and Bariatric surgeries since two decades and has crossed
3000 surgeries in the field. If you are worried and unsure about Cost of bariatric surgery in Bangalore, then you must reach out to Dr. Tulip’s Clinic because here you will get different therapies at affordable cost.
She is one of the best bariatric surgeons in Bangalore.
Perfect selection of the patient requiring the procedure, tailor made decisions per patient depending on the clinical condition as well as the lab tests and other diagnostic tests is one of the major factors that has
led to the top-class results in terms of weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes, in the patients undergoing the procedure.
That’s not at all. These Bariatric and metabolic procedures need to be followed up after surgery, as maintenance of the achieved results is what matters the most in the long run. This is where Dr Tulip’s Obesity
and Diabetes Surgery Centre is well known for over the last two decades for their excellent follow up and long term caring for their operated patients.
Diabetes and obesity are the two most dreaded health issues in India. They need individualistic treatment and personal attention. Dr Tulip’s Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Hospital is a Centre par excellence for a safe sure and long-term
diabetic remission and weight loss solutions. She is a well reckoned name for Gastric bypass surgery in Bangalore and she has treated some popular celebrities.
The approach of the hospital is to offer precision care and a focused approach to control these two ailments. Patients can enjoy a happy and productive normal life.
Reaching the target weight and maintenance of the achieved weight loss, without complications is the hallmark of any weight loss or Bariatric surgery.
Sound advice on dietary and nutrition management and comprehensive care and professional counseling are the distinguishing characteristics of Dr Tulip’s Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Hospital.
Read the stories of patients whose life got transformed after surgery
Case Study 1 (Patient story)
Case Study 2 (Patient story)
Case Study 3(Patient story)
A laparoscopic procedure performed on the stomach to lose weight (Bariatric surgery). It is a simple and effective procedure when done in the rightly selected obese patients. It can be done through 3 to 4 tiny (5mm to 12 mm) holes on the tummy (Key hole surgery), or it can even be performed through a single hole in the belly button, where we call it SILS sleeve surgery(Single incision Laparoscopic sleeve surgery) . The stomach volume is reduced to approximately 80 to 100ml, by firing Staplers along the long axis of the stomach alongside a gastric tube introduced through the mouth under anaesthesia. The stomach now looks like a narrow sleeve, and hence the name, sleeve gastrectomy. The staple line in then sutured to ensure safety from leak and oozing. The remaining major part of the stomach is removed through the 12mm hole. But in SILS, a single incision is made for the whole procedure
Read MoreSILS is an advanced, minimally invasive technique used in bariatric surgery to ease post-operative discomfort and reduce complications. During traditional laparoscopic procedures, surgeons make four to five incisions in the abdomen to access the digestive tract. But in SILS, a single incision is made for the whole procedure
Read MoreThis is a non surgical procedure where in a balloon is introduced into the stomach using an endoscope. The balloon occupies a good amount of space in the stomach, thus giving a person the sensation of fullness. The patient ends up eating very little, this leads to weight loss. But, it is important to remember that this procedure is simple to perform, and gives best results in individuals with BMI upto 30. It could be tried in individuals with BMI up to 32.5, But results may not be very satisfactory. However, one should not try at all in morbidly obese individuals as a stand-alone procedure for weight loss. The weight loss would be very little ending in depression and waste of money. Different types of balloons are available. The balloon needs to be changed in 6 month to a year depending on the type of the balloon. After removal the individual will be able to eat more and chances of weight gain could be there.
Read MoreAnother Laparoscopic procedure to lose weight (Bariatric surgery) performed on the stomach and the small intestine as well. Though it requires more skill to perform, it is considered as the Gold Standard in weight loss or bariatric surgery. It started more than half a century ago, but gained popularity and success only after laparoscopy got well established. Here the stomach is divided into a small and large pouch using staplers. The smaller pouch which is approximately 30ml is then joined to the intestine, bypassing the remaining larger portion of the stomach along with approx 70 to 100cms of the small intestine. Hence, the name gastric bypass. This procedure is very effective in weight loss and more so in the long term maintenance of weight. Besides this, the gastric bypass also helps in resolving obesity associated comorbidities like, Type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, weight related joint pains, obesity related infertility etc.
Read MoreAnother variant of weight loss surgery wherein a long gastric tube is created along the lesser curve and the small intestine is attached to it an approx. 200-250 cms from the DJ flexure.
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a form of minimally invasive endoscopic gastroplasty, in which sutures are made within the stomach using an endoscope inserted through the mouth into the stomach. It is regarded as an alternative to more invasive forms of bariatric surgery.
Read MoreIleal Interposition is a Metabolic Surgery procedure, used to treat overweight diabetic patients through surgical means.
Read MoreIn addition to sleeve gastrectomy procedure, the connection between the stomach and the duodenum is closed off from the level of the second segment of the duodenum.
Read MoreLiposuction, or simply lipo, is a type of fat-removal procedure used in plastic surgery.
Read MoreAbdominoplasty or "tummy tuck" is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall.
Read MoreFor overweight and class one obesity non-surgical management of weight loss.
Fearless Advocate
Famous Kannada Comedian
Treatment is fantastic, nurses are caring. We forget all our pains. . They are very professional. Very nice moral support.
Excellent Doctors and staff. You are in safe hands if you are considering any bariatric surgery. Life changing process.
Very good facility. Staff will take care very nicely. One of the best in koramangala.
— Rajeev Raghavan
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